Thursday, March 29, 2012

One Saturday....

One Saturday Jeff and I went to the city. We went to get maternity jeans because I can no longer fit in my size 6 jeans that I've worn since like 8th grade. But we went on a Saturday and watched some horse racing at Remington Park. I could have won I think like 50 bucks if I would have put money down on horse #6 on race #2 like I would have. But I didn't, so instead I just kept my two dollars. Unfortunately, Jeff wanted to bet the next round and we bet on a horse who was WINNING THE ENTIRE TIME---until the very end when the horse that had the best odds stuck his nose out and won. It was crazy. But fun to ALMOST win. :) We also went to a few softball games at the ASA Hall of Fame Stadium in the city. Their was a college tournament going on (and 14 and 12 and under tournaments too) known as The Preview and we went and watched. It was pretty awesome. I cant wait for the end of May to go to The College World Series of Softball. It is going to rock.